
The Standard Interview:Ivest in Osaka’s Future

Experienced Developer and Operator TY-PROPERTY has extensive experience in developing, renovating, and operating hundreds of properties in Osaka, taking care of everything from property design to safety guarantee. Currently, Osaka has an abundance of guesthouses, however, a limited amount of quality operators. Over the years, TY-PROPERTY has tackled various property management matters, including...

Capitalising on the golden era of Japanese guesthouse investment

Thank You The Standard Great article! 【Capitalising on the golden era of Japanese guesthouse investment】 TY Property, a veteran developer specialising in Japanese guesthouses, originated as a real estate agency, but has, over the years, successfully grown into a comprehensive property developer, offering end-to-end solutions from construction to operation for investors. Established 12...

經濟日報報導 東日日本民宿訂房

多謝經濟日報報導 👍東日業主自家日本民宿訂房平台擁民宿大數據保客源!TYBnBBooking.com 東日訂房 日本民宿訂房平台!逾200個單位選擇,大量香港業主委托東日物業優惠價出租日本民宿。即睇 👉 www.tybnbbooking.com歡迎查詢:6381 1308☎️...


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7_Ccn3tDGo 多謝 星島虎報海外地產 訪問 👍 現在日元匯價低企,旅遊業重振,大阪2025世博會即將到來,東日與民宿業主蓄勢待發,一起迎接大阪民宿「新浪潮」。💪【日本民宿物業巡禮 一對一諮詢】 日期:每週六、日(11am-7pm) 【尖沙咀】海港城港威大廈5座30樓 (敬請預約)...

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